Why should I work at the Technion Student Association?

The work at TSA is not like any average student job. As an employee, you will be involved in the work for the students at the Technion, and your job will have a meaning beyond the paycheck you receive every month.

Working at TSA is challenging, interesting and exposes you to a whole world of knowledge and content. The work environment is comfortable and pleasant, and the quality and varied company is an inseparable part of the work experience at TSA. The jobs are flexible in content and hours, and the workplace is located at the most convenient spot for a Technion student - the Student Union Building.

In addition, TSA employees have a variety of benefits in businesses around the Technion, at TSA events and at the bookstore. 

Above all - the association's management is open for creative thinking, constructive criticism and suggestions for efficiency, so that employees have the ability to express themselves and advance their ideas to the fore of the stage.

Positions in the Student Association



How do I approach the tender?

Application form can be submitted by 20:00 one day before the tender day. The tender procedure can be found here.


Structure recommended for the candidate agenda for a position at TSA:

1. Review the meaning of the office / role in the incoming presidential agenda and express your insights from them.

2. Review the office / role as it is today, including tasks, processes and projects in progress.

3. Consider your vision for the office / role and the way to achieve the presidential goals, completing the existing tasks and realizing your vision.

4. Why are you the best man/woman for the job?


Click here to see the upcoming tenders


Types of Positions at TSA
TypeDescriptionElection Method
Office ManagersManaging an office at TSA and being in charge of coordinators and other employees.Elected in a tender before the Executive Committee (18 chairpersons of the faculties, the TSA Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson) for a period of one year.
CoordinatorsManaging an office at TSA, hourly employee if needed.Elected by a Tender Committee composed of two Committee Chairpersons, two Semester Representatives and the TSA Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson, for a period of one year.
Faculty CoordinatorsLinking between an office at TSA and a faculty in a particular matter.Selected in a tender, in coordination between the relevant office and the Committee Chairperson.
Hourly employeesDepending on the nature of the job.Selected by a job interview as needed.